Subscrypts WebDemo

This demo operates on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet. All references to ETH represent sepETH, the native currency of the Ethereum Sepolia test network. Please note, transactions occur exclusively on this test network for demonstration and testing, not on the main Ethereum network.

Hello Subscrypts!

Unlocking Subscription Services with Blockchain

Witness the innovative integration of Subscrypts smart contracts with web services through this demo. Leveraging web3 libraries, we showcase a foundational yet impactful use case for dynamic access control tied to subscription statuses. This serves as a testament to the potential of blockchain in revolutionizing subscription services. For the full experience, ensure your browser is equipped with an Ethereum wallet extension. Dive into the future of subscription management and user engagement with Subscrypts.


To engage with the Subscrypts protocol, ensure you have ETH available. This demo specifically requires testnet ETH and SUBS tokens, the proprietary ERC20 token of the Subscrypts Protocol. Below, you'll find a display of your wallet's balances, ready for interaction.

Your Address
Balance ETH
Balance SUBS
Low on SUBS tokens? Visit to swap ETH for SUBS through our uniswap pair or use our Subscrypts testnet faucet to claim SUBS. Keep in mind you'll also need ETH for interacting on the Ethereum Sepolia Testnet, ETH can be requested or mined using differentes faucets. This lets you safely explore our platform's features without real-world assets.

Merchant Subscription Plan

Subscrypts revolutionizes subscription management for merchants, developers, and crypto enthusiasts. With our platform, create customizable plans on the Ethereum blockchain without the need of an intermediary, escrow or freeze of funds. Choose from SUBS, ETH, or USD, relying on LINK oracle and DEX for accurate conversions, all settled in SUBS tokens. Our efficient system, supported by web3 libraries, allows for seamless application integration and flexible subscription handling, paving the way for a more transparent, decentralized subscription ecosystem. Explore below two merchant subscriptions available for you to join and begin accessing premium content seamlessly.

Premium Lite


NaN Unknown

  • Connect MetaMask....
  • Connect MetaMask....
  • Connect MetaMask....

  • Lectus ut nibh quam, felis porttitor.

Premium Ultra


NaN Unknown

Best Value
  • Connect MetaMask....
  • Connect MetaMask....
  • Connect MetaMask....

  • Morbi praesent aptent integer at.
  • Nisl potenti ut auctor lobortis.

Subscriber Subscription

At the core of Subscrypts is our smart contract, ensuring secure, minimal-data transactions for effective subscription management. This setup not only enhances security but also provides a framework for developers to add unique features to subscriptions. Enjoy personalized, secure services tailored to your preferences. Discover the convenience of managing 'Hello Subscrypts!' Premium Lite & Ultra subscriptions.

Subscriber Subscription Details
Merchant Address
Plan ID
Subscriber Address
Currency Code
Subscription Amount
Payment Frequency
Is Recurring?
Remaining Cycles
Custom Attributes
Last Payment Date
Next Payment Date
Merchant Subscription Plan Details
Merchant Address
Currency Code
Subscription Amount
Payment Frequency
Referral Bonus
Commission %
Default Attributes
Verification Expiry Date
Subscriber Count
Active Status

Manage Subscription Payment

Subscrypts allows for the activation of recurring payments for each subscription, automating renewals upon expiry. Should a subscription expire, it becomes inactive; however, with recurring payments enabled, the necessary SUBS tokens are automatically deducted for renewal based on your set cycles. Insufficient funds will deactivate the subscription and disable recurring payments. Additionally, changes to payment frequency or amount to the subscription plan by the merchant will disable all related recurring payments, maintaining transparency and control over your subscription status.

Current Subscription Payment Details
Remaining cycles
Subscrypts Contract Functions
Function Input Fields
subscriptionid (uint256)
enabled (bool)
setCycles (uint256)
Function Output Fields
Output Fields: Subcriptionid (uint256) Recurring (bool) RemainingCycles (uint256)
Awaiting [Call/Transact] execution...
Visit the website to access additional functions for interacting with the Subscrypts smart contract, or download the ABI from our site to use web3 libraries for smart contract interactions.

Enjoy Your Subscryptions

Experience premium content seamlessly with Subscrypts. By subscribing and paying with SUBS tokens, you unlock access to exclusive services from your chosen providers, all through the convenience of your Ethereum wallet. Subscrypts empowers you with complete control over your subscription payments and preferences. Service providers leveraging Subscrypts can offer you personalized content, ensuring payment processing, authentication, and enhanced privacy and security are tailored to your needs. Dive into a world where your preferences shape the subscription services you receive, all facilitated by the innovative Subscrypts platform.